From the day the first car start to run on the street, engineers and developers were hard working to give the best model for the people. In the past the cars were given priory for just transportation and the development evolved in many aspects such as speed, safety, efficiency, navigation and now it stands on eco models. There are many car makers came in to the industry and staying high. Some of the car makers went bankrupt while others changed their names or bought by other car companies. Countries like USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, and South Korea are leading auto making countries. And now the companies are making cars for many purposes like passenger, four wheel drives, sports cars and many more models. The models before were on petrol and diesel, now the developers are working on solar powered and electric powered cars. Surprisingly the antique cars are holding the same price of the modern cars. All kind of media are giving first preference for the information to reach the public on the current and latest models. Currently many news papers and dedicated car magazines, car web sites are publishing information for the buyers and users. There are many car shows and auto shows that are taking place all over the world every year. Here visitors can have the first hand look of the new models and concepts cars. The shows are always participated by the top auto makers to promote their sales.
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