Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Is Alternative Fuel Cars?

In the automotive industry some kind of alternative fuel being developed. The scientists looking for cleaner burning fuels, this is will make more friendly to environment this is could be great solution and will give more benefits to automotive maker and user. For the example about ethanol or some people call with grain alcohol is made from soybean and / or corn. E85 which is 15% and 85% ethanol now already in the market.
Why the ethanol is one of the best alternative fuel, because ethanol will give more mileage, burn much cleaner than fossil fuel, the most important thing ethanol also made from organic material.
The scientist has been found a view alternative of fuel they hope it can be friendlier to environmental. With global warming issue alternative fuel cars step by step become popular; we can see it with the hybrid technology in the vehicle.

Hybrid Technology

Hybrid vehicle run with one or two source of power, for the example electric car will be use one of source power, the battery must be to charge with electric this is make this vehicle have 0% pollutant, the hybrid with two source power is combination about fossil fuel engine and electric engine they will reduce carbon emission, and will help the user not to spend much money to buy fossil fuel.
The conclusion is the global warming and fuel price concern make the alternative fuel become popular to application for every side of human live, the example in automotive, home, and industry is this can be happen we can found the better place to our children in the future.


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